Coffee Plant

Common Name(s)
Coffee Plant
Latin Name
Coffee Arabica
Care Level
Perfect For Beginners
Coffee Plants need bright indirect light from an east or west facing window. Avoid direct sunlight.
Water a Coffee Plant when the top two inches of soil has dried out. These plants are not drought resistant and can suffer permanent damage if the soil totally dries out.
A Coffee Plant enjoys high humidity so consider placing a small humidifier near it or group it near other plants.
These plants prefer constant temperatures between 18°-23°C . Coffee Plants can suffer damage if the temperature goes below 5°C
A Coffee Plant really only needs to be fed twice a year, once in March and again in late summer. Use a well balanced plant food
Although Coffee Plant leaves are not toxic, the caffeine in the berries can adversely affect small children, cats, and dogs causing hyper-activity, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Why do my leaves have brown patches?
This could be as a result of overwatering or a lack of water. Check the soil before addressing the issue.
My plants leaves are turning red and discoloured, why has this happened?
This is likely to be as a result of mites. You should check the plants including the undersides of the leaves. Wash the plants leaves with a plain water or with a little washing up liquid mixed in to remove the mites.