Our Story

Jungle was born out of a love for our own little jungle
When we purchased our first home together in our home town of Birmingham, we quickly noticed how a few plants here and there made the place feel much more homely. What started with a Kentia Palm and a Monstera Deliciosa, is now a 140 plant deep jungle and we love it!
Whenever we had visitors, they always left our home with either a cutting or a newly propagated plant baby. This always lead to jokes about opening our own little shop...
When the nation was forced into lockdown in early 2020, we were forced indoors, we all became more aware of how this effected our wellbeing. We were inundated with messages from friends and family asking how to greenify their indoor spaces.

This ignited a desire to spread the plant love across Birmingham... and Jungle Houseplants was born!
Our intention is to spread the plant love and encourage as many people to bring some greenery into their home as possible to bathe in the mood boosting and calming effect creating an indoor jungle can have.
We always loved seeing the excitement from our friends and family when ever they saw a new leaf unfurling or a new plant arriving. We now look forward to seeing your excited faces when your new jungle pals arrive!
Chris and Nat x