Rubber Tree

Common Name(s)
Ficus, Rubber Tree
Latin Name
Ficus Elastica
Care Level
Perfect For Beginners
Rubber trees do best in medium to bright indirect light. The solid green and dark burgundy varieties can adapt to less light.
These plants are a little difficult to water. Allow the top quarter of the soil to dry out before watering. Keep the soil drier when your plant is in lower light or the room temperature is cooler.
Basic household humidity
Indoors they do well in warm temperatures between 21°C-26°C. Keep a Rubber Tree plant away from cold drafts, heaters, and fireplaces.
Rubber tree plants do not need much fertiliser. Feed monthly when the plant is actively growing with a well-balanced plant food,
Slightly poisonous with a level #1 toxicity.
I have my Rubber Tree in a bright window, it's getting lots of new leaves but some of them have brown spots, why is this?
If you have your Rubber Tree plant in the direct sun, those brown marks are sunburn. Move your plant away from the window and into bright indirect light.
The bottom leaves of my rubber plant are turning yellow and dropping off, what can I do to stop this?
It sounds like your Rubber Tree is getting yellow leaves due to a watering problem. Rubber Trees develop yellow leaves when they are either over or under-watered. Check your soil to see which one it is and either water more or cut back on your watering.
My Rubber Tree is dropping leaves, what can I do?
This can happen as a result of a sudden change in temperature. However, it's also important to remember that plants drop older leaves in order to help future growth, a little bit of self-sacrifice to aid future growth.