Snake Plant

Common Name(s)
Snake Plant, Mother-in-laws Tongue
Latin Name
Sansevieria Trifasciata
Care Level
Perfect For Beginners
A sansevieria can be placed anywhere in a room from the darkest corner to the brightest window. As with most plants better light conditions will lead to more growth.
Over-watering is the main reason sansevieria plants die. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. During the winter, in a low light area, a sansevieria plant will be able to go longer between waterings.
Sansevierias have no extra humidity requirements
Sansevierias grow well in temperatures between 15°C and 29°C
Feed a Sansevieria monthly when the plant is actively growing from March to October. Cactus plant food is a better choice than most fertilisers, avoid fertilisers with high nitrate levels.
A Sansevieria is a mildly poisonous plant with a #1 level toxicity.
Why are the leaves on my Snake Plant turning brown and mushy?
Brown mushy leaves on a Sansevieria Plant means you're over-watering your plant. Remove all of the damaged leaves and re-pot the plant into a smaller container with new DRY soil. Place your Sansevieria in a warm sunny location and don’t water until the soil is totally dry.
How can I propagate my plant?
The easiest way is through division, which involves removing sections of the plant and planting these up. You can also use leaf cuttings to propagate a Sansevieria Plant. When using leaf cuttings, cut some leaves into medium size segments, allow the cut ends to dry out for a few days, then plant two or three segments per small pot.