Hanging plants are a must: they brighten up shelves and units, add extra depth and dimension to rooms and bring a mental boost with their stunning foliage. We’ve curated this bundle to include some of the best hanging plants round.
In this bundle you’ll receive:
A Lepismium Bolivianum aka Forest Cacti: A spine-free hanging cacti usually found in forests making their home in the crooks of trees. As long as they get bright indirect sunlight and the occasional watering they’ll continue to grow lush long growth. The perfect maintenance free trailing cacti!
A Aeschynanthus 'Scoubidou' aka Lipstick Plant: The stunning curly leaves of this lipstick plant matched with their cute lipstick shaped flowers make this an awesome all-rounder. Great for bathrooms and kitchens due to their humidity needs.
A Philodendron Scandens 'Brasil' aka Heartleaf Philodendron: These trailing beauties look stunning tumbling from shelves and cupboards in your home. They're super resilient and will grow well in a range of light conditions, throwing out plenty of new growth Spring through to Autumn. Their heart shaped leaves only add to how much we love them.